Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hot yoga

I am trying hot yoga for the first time on Sunday. Has anyone tried it? I have heard a lot of good things about it - so I am excited to try. I am going with my friend, Kayla, and she has gone many times before so she is a pro. Hopefully I can handle it. If you have tried it, I would love to hear what you think about it.


TeiraMarie said...

I did it. I loved it. I miss it.

I will say that it is hard. But the best thing about yoga is that no one judges if you need to sit and breath because it is all about 'your practice' and growing at your own pace. I generally felt amazing afterwards but it was too hard on my back so I gave it up, for now. I hope you love it and maybe one day when I am less of a cripple we can go together. Where are you going? I hope you say Bodhi Tree on 14th because that place fills my heart with SUNSHINE!

Jude said...

I haven't but my good friend swears by it. She's so addicted she wakes at 5am everyday now to do it! (*Must* be good :))

a little black cloud in a dress said...

i've been doing hot yoga for a year and a half and I love it. I was in a car wreck and messed my wrist up 2 years ago, and surgery didn't fix it, but I've had no problems out of since I've been doing hot yoga! It could be coincidence, but I really believe its the yoga.

Meghan said...

oh now I am so excited!

Rebecca-Elizabeth said...

I used to go in Calgary all the time. I really liked it, but I found if you have any joint problems - it seems to cause more pain than good. It used to make my bad knee swell up like a balloon so I finally stopped in fourth year...