Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It is amazing how warm and lovely -5C feels. It is kinda sad that everyone is talking about it. It really isn't that warm at all - but after a week of -30C, it is the greatest thing.

Even so, I wish I were here:

Joe has been working nights the past few weeks and tonight around 8 he mentioned how tired he felt. I suggested he have a quick nap before he started work and I would lay down with him. Next thing I know, it is a little before 10:30 and I wake up exhausted and he has been working for over an hour. I'm in bed now, decided to do a quick post, and then I am going right back to sleep. Do you ever have those days? Every once in awhile I'll have a night where I go to bed soo early, but have no problem sleeping until my alarm goes off. It is nice.

So, back to sleep I go! I hope you all had a good sleep with lovely dreams!

PS - The lovely Bubbles has passed on a blog award to me! Thanks so much, Bubbles! I'll be posting about it and passing it on tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bubbles said...

I hate going to bed early but on those days I do I love the fact I slept all night even though an hour after waking up I feel tired again :(

I look forward to what you have to share :)...