Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meet Oswald

(sorry for the dark iphone photo - we will get better ones soon!)

Today, Joe and I adopted Oswald. He is 5 years old and had been at the Humane Society since September. He was found by someone who brought him in and they noticed he had a tattoo. Unfortunately, it was so worn they couldn't read it and never found his owner. He was very shy and nervous when we were visiting him there but he was really sweet. We have him home and he seems pretty scared and has been busy exploring. He loves to run up and down the stairs and then checks to see if Joe is still in his office. He lays down and stretches and curls his paws - it's funny!

I hope you all have a great rest-of-week!


a little black cloud in a dress said...

like a real tattoo? I've never heard of such a thing.

Meghan said...

Hollie - he had a number tattoo, I am not sure how they do it! It is so you can track him to his owner if he got lost, but it was too hard for them to read. :(

Marie said...

Wow, a number tattoo... Sounds kinda cool but ooooh, painful!

Happy New Year, Meghan!:D

***** Marie *****

LatteLisa said...

I think Oswald is one lucky cat!

Bubbles said...

Congrats on the cat, its such a lovely addition to a family. We have a stray cat that turned up on our doorstep 10 years ago...

Marley said...

Awe he is cute :)
Who's taking care of Oswald when you guys are here this weekend!?

Signe said...

Naaaaw - he is so cute! Big grats with the new family member and hope he will settle right in :)