Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 20 - Nicknames

I have been called nicknames my whole life. It started when I was very young - I don't remember my dad ever calling me Meghan (or Meg). It was always Little or Medzi. Even in old cards I have from him, they are addressed to those names. Then, I remember my brother calling me Merg, which somehow became Egg. Egg (or some form of it - Egglyntine, Eggelin, Eggo) is something I am called to this day by a couple of friends and my family (my mom often calls me Egg). My sister, Kelli, calls me Sister Bear. And then there is Joe, who used to call me Jiggly Puff but now it is Poo. Sometimes I wonder why was I even given a name!?

What are your nicknames?


Marie said...


Yours are fun and interesting.;D

***** Marie *****

M.G.T@SoSheDid said...

I heart you Megs! My nicknames are vast, but often just a deviation from my real name...let's see...Mare, MT, MGT, Murry, MuurTurr, Margarine...but mostly people call me by my first and last name all together: MaryTurri. I don't really know why that started, but sometimes when people first meet me and hear people talk to me they think it is my actual first name.

a little black cloud in a dress said...

I don't have any nicknames, but Bry & I have a ton of them for Emma. Mostly, we call her Pookie. lol or Buggy. Poor child. :\

Bubbles said...

I don't have a nickname but people could never remember mine and called me everything but my name... there are times I get called mana

Marley said...

Mar, Maaaly, MegMar, Marmy and Marles Barkley. Tyler has given me a good range of nicknames over time, I can't remember all of them.

LatteLisa said...

haha, love that last remark ;-)