Today is my birthday and I am 27 years old. 27. Hmm...27. Twenty-seven.
Sometimes I feel like I have wasted a lot of time. Like some of what I want for my life should have happened by now. It is not like I haven't done anything - I have done a decent amount of traveling, I got married, I have gone to University and have a BA. But there are somethings that are still a bit out of reach - owning a home, having a job that I love to go to everyday, starting a family, not being in so much debt (thanks, student loans...). It isn't like I am not happy with my life, I just wish it would move forward faster, but without me that so much to ask!?
This past weekend I was with my family and it was nice to be with them (even with my 2 sisters ganging up on me big time!). I am not doing much today - going to work and then meeting my brother for dinner (I don't think he remembers it is my birthday...). I am also going to Pittsburgh on Wednesday and will get to see Joe, who I haven't seen in 18 days! It will be nice to be on holidays and de-stress and slow down.
I hope you all have a great start to your week!!
happy birthday, Meghan! I hope you have a great day.
Happy Birthday! I hope you'll have a fantastic week no matter what you decide to do to celebrate it.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic time celebrating, and a great week!
And I feel the same way you do sometimes, about life not being the way I thought it should by a certain time. Just remind yourself of all that you HAVE done and the rest are things you can work towards. There's no rush!
27 is lucky to have you. PS Oprah said her life started when she turned 50, so we all have a ways to go.
You inspire me each and every day. I know you're going to find the perfect job for you, it's right around the corner. Just keep being strong. And as for debt, we'll get to it eventually. It's all part of growing up. Obama didn't pay his student debt until right before he ran for President - true story. Look how much useless knowledge Maris and I have...
Love you oh so much. Know that I honestly wouldn't have survived this year without you. I will never be able to repay you so all I can say is thank you, I love you.
Happy Happy Birthday, Meghan! (So sorry to be MIA, bit of workcraze/travel, but sloowly catching up!) I hope this is the best year ever. I know the feeling of not being where one wants to be, but you will get there, I know it! (And maybe it's not always so bad to be striving towards a goal! :) I've been paying off student debt for 5 years and the end is still a ways away, don't worry, so many people are in that same boat!
happy 27!
Trust me, those thoughts will eventually wear off ;-)
Happy Birthday!
Here is my comment :)
What did we do to you?
Thank you all for your kind wishes! I feel much better :)
Kelli - when you and Marley were baking!
Happy 27 Meghan!!
Hope you had a lovely day :)
Happy Belated Birthday Darling!! How was your special day?
hahahah it was your turn this time :) usually it's me!
but i got all the bashing from Ty, G and Cody. Consider yourself lucky ;)
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