Monday, December 6, 2010


I absolutely love to swim. It always feels great during and after and I love being in the water. For the past month and a half, my friend Jennie and I have been meeting at least once a week to go. I love going with her because she pushes me so hard and it's just nice going with someone. We are meeting again tomorrow to go and I am so looking foward to it.

Do you like swimming? Do you ever go?


a little black cloud in a dress said...

I used to swim ALL the time. I made a new years resolution to go more this year, and I haven't been once. :[

Meghan said...

Hollie - you should go at least once then before January!

Jude said...

I swam constantly as a child, and then there were a few years where I tried to go at least every other day...then it devolved to every weekend...and now...sigh...(the fact that it's freezing doesn't help, but I know it's no excuse!)

LatteLisa said...

love swimming but I haven't gone swimming in Antwerp yet.

Icelandic swimming pools are one of the few things I miss from home.

Marley said...

I can't swim :(

TeiraMarie said...

I love swimming! Sadly my back is so effed right now I can't really do it. My favorite is Swimming front crawl until my mind goes blank - it is the most zen thing ever. Nothing calms me like swimming lanes in a (not very busy) pool.
And it is totally a hard work out if you push yourself. I prefer not to though. But lengths of kicking kick ass!