Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I got my first blog award! Yay!

1. Thank the blogger/s who gave you this award

Thank you to my beautiful sister, Marley, for this award. It means so much that it came from you and I am glad you like my blog! (PS - I like your face).

2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experiences using five words.

My philosophy: Post about what you love.

My motivation: Family, friends, and fellow bloggers!

My experience: Great and rewarding!

3. Pass on to ten other bloggers.

I know some of you I list have already received this award, but I wanted to give it to you anyways :) You don't have to post about it again.

And back to Marley!

Thanks again, Mar! Love you!


Heartfire At Home said...

Well done Meghan, and very well deserved!! Your blog certainly does have wonderful substance.

Linda. x :)

Signe said...

Grats on your award - well deserved!
And thank you so much for passing it on to me, you are just the sweetest :)


LatteLisa said...

Signe has said everything I wanted to say ;-)

Marley said...

I'm never going to live down "I like your face"...
I love you too!

Jude said...

Congratulations, Meghan! So well-deserved, and thank you so much for passing it on - that is so sweet of you! :)

Bubbles said...

Yeah! Its lovely to get an award and I hope this is the start of many more for you :). Thank you so much for passing it on to me, it means a lot and I accept it with pride :)

Meghan said...

thanks everyone!

Nattie said...

You totally deserve the award! totally love your blog :)

Thanks Meghan for the award!!! My first award ever!! hugs!! xx