Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday is a day of the week occurring after Monday and before Wednesday.

I am feeling so lazy and behind these days. Sorry for not posting and I am still not caught up on my blog reading :( You know when it seems like you have so much going on when really you don't? Or maybe I just feel that way sometimes. Or maybe it is because I'm still trying to get back into a groove from being sick. I'm finally starting to feel more like myself though and I am trying to spend a lot of time with Joe (mostly laying around watching Law and Order together) because he leaves Thursday to go to Pittsburgh and I won't be joining him for 22 days. We haven't been apart that long since he moved here almost four years ago (before then we wouldn't see each other for months at a time!). I am sad he is going and I will miss him tons, but I am really looking forward to meeting him down there for Christmas.

Soon, I'll have photos of Zoo Lights (it was really fun!) and I also got a blog award (I'm excited - even though it is from my sister, Marley) that I will post about too.

Hope you are all having a beautiful Tuesday!

PS - I'm washing my bed sheets right now, so excited, I love clean sheets!


Jude said...

Aw, so glad you're feeling better! Rest up and don't worry about blogging (unless it makes you feel better, of course :)). Congrats on the award!! Very well-deserved.

And there's nothing like relaxing under clean sheets, sigh.

(Btw, I also was in a long-distance relationship for the longest time & can totally sympathize!)

Bubbles said...

I have those moments too where I feel run down but it doesn't make sense when your hardly doing anything too exhausting. I just think its the weather/darkness that does it.

I love clean sheets too especially when they've been dried outside.

Meghan said...

Thanks Jude and Bubbles! I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way sometimes :)