Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Don Drapper says "What?"

Wow. Never realized he says 'what' so much. *sigh* I love Don Draper.


M.G.T@SoSheDid said...

I have seen exactly one (1) episode of Mad Men, but I still found this awesome!

Jude said...

Heehee, only he could make repeated whats so compelling :) Loved it. (Btw, I can *finally* follow you now, thx to the computer doctor! :))

Meghan said...

Jude - I totally agree! And yay for the computer doctor! :D

Mary - you must watch it.

a little black cloud in a dress said...

I've never seen Mad Men! :\ I mailed your package today. Sorry I didn't get it out on Monday, I've had a week from hell. Let me know you get them!

LatteLisa said...

I never watch TV, but I'll get these on DVD and watch one day. So loving the style!


Signe said...

Gaaaaah, need to start watching Mad Men! Seems everyone is talking about it and I haven't seen a single episode yet :)