Thursday, October 6, 2011

(Scarf is a funny word....) has been getting chilly here (especially in the mornings!) and a scarf has become a daily item for me. Though I usually just throw on one of my trusty ol' infinity scarfs - this video I found today over at Toque Girls has me very inspired to try some new looks! Here, in about 5 minutes, is 25 ways to tie a scarf.

P.S. - Once you get through the whole video, you can click on the little picture and it will take you to a video on how to do that specific one.


Belle said...

I think I might get myself a scarf :)

Heartfire At Home said...

I lurve scarves... they are my main accessory. I tend to stick to a plain black top (I have three that get cycled through the wash weekly), and then put one of my lovely scarves on over the top! That way I can change colour at a moments notice, and it's cheaper than buying heaps of new clothes (I have a place where I can buy stunning scarves for a fab price in my little city).

Linda. xx

Marie said...

This is a cool and helpful video, thanks for posting!:D

***** Marie *****
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